

Damn maple lagged me to death like that lah. >.< Can’t score in pvp. Damn. Stuck at lvl 98 now. Damn. I so want to go for 4th job luh. >.< My comp hates me. lol.

So anyway, now listening to songs haha. Not much to do. Still have the BBQ to settle. ๐Ÿ˜› So looking forward to having tons of fun with my friends larh ! ๐Ÿ˜€

Bleh. I applied for retail assistant @ ntuc.. Hopefully i get it. >.<; Mom say might not get the slot. Ugh.

Sian right! Not much to do. Don’t know why lately feel very very tired. Sat in front of computer play maple also tired like mad when i get up.

I’m rottin’ !


So anyway i think i’m going to watch a movie later. Happy feet 2 :D. I never watched happy feet before though.. LOl ๐Ÿ˜ก

No head no tails. XD


Hahahaha. Omg. Cute TTM lah. ๐Ÿ˜›

I’m just spamming quotes from Tumblr now hahaha :X

So anyways… Sigh… Sigh..

So true.. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

Anyways i’ll logoff le. Maybe i’ll try playing pvp again later. Connection seems sucky lately. *aggravated face*

LOL i googled ‘aggravated face’ย and got this face.



Perhaps the fantasy world is where i belong





I’m just sad. Hais. Sad over a trivial thing, i know, i know.

But first. Maple! I’m 97 =). 3 more levels to 100… 23 to 4th job. ugh.

I’m kinda in a moody mood now. Sian.

Wish it was that simple.


Sometimes i wonder if i matter you know. Matter just that enough for someone to want to be with me. Guess i’ll forever be alone. Lol.


Haiz. I guess i’m just bitter, bitter, bitter. I really thought for once i would matter… Guess not. Ah. but that’s supposed to be a trivial thing. I’m not supposed to make a mountain out of a molehill.


I still feel like a ‘forever alone’ kid, you know. I don’t fit in with my siblings, don’t fit in with my class, don’t fit in with my friends. I’m a frigging nerd sometimes, looking for science stuff sometimes with that craze, yet i can’t share with anyone cause no one cares.

Do it a little more and people call you either a nerd, geek or just pain arrogant.

And yes, there out there, people are suffering worse than me YES I KNOW. Ugh


I’m lovesick, just wanna do something crazy and regret it at the later part of my life. Just to see if anyone cares. Just to see if i matter…

Damn i need to see a shrink. Damn feelings ruining this whole thing. and my headache’s coming back. zzz

Ugh. Must-Stay-Positive.

Lets go with some quotes.

True that.

Oh yeah i found a very nice science channel. Youtube : ScienceChannel.

Its very informative. I especially like the head rush and the How It’s Made Minisodes. ๐Ÿ˜€ Very cool! I always liked making things.. well not really but its kinda cool to see how a big bigbigbigbig thing is made out of from small things.

I think if i did that i’ll have tons and tons of jars.

and sometimes i really really don’t know what you want.

Wait. must go positive.

hey lovesick IS positive. LOL

He’s a remarkable man.

I know this isn’t positive, but it sure is true.

Don’t feel like working. Just when i do… Nevermind.


There’s no happy ending…

True that. I slipped many a times but fell only a little

Where is he?ย 


K am done. Feeling better now. =) Amazing how ranting helps.



Stop hurting my friend bitches. To hell with you. If you’re upset blog it out like i do. Idiots. Ruin your friendship withย juvenile plays. Dumbasses.ย 

:D Some stuff to share. :)


Ice knight came out for maple. COOL sia. ๐Ÿ˜€ Played a little yesterday but there were tons of hackers. >.<; Ruined the fun.



And 2 New modes added – Ice knight and Capture the flag.


Kinda cool. Yesterday there was only the Ice Knight option. :P:P Mech sure don’t stand out there .

So anyways there’s more to come after the patch today!



Okay down to the funny stuff now ๐Ÿ™‚



And quotes time! ๐Ÿ˜€


This absolutely describes me . xD

How about walking with someone? ๐Ÿ™‚


Thats the devil speakin.

When will i realise that?


Good reply eh. XD

That so sounds like me.

Is that why i’m afraid?



What does it mean, when i sit and hold my phone, waiting for that one text message to come?



-(Adele) Someone Like You – Sungha Jung-


Guitar version. Very nice. Kinda tired of rotting at home already. Not much to do on Maplestory and stuff… Slept a lot today, now i’m quite energised and stuff… Hais… Feeling so bored and now i’m going through my youtube subscriptions. The guitar version was quite nice :D.


Yesterday was the BBQ, sorry didn’t take much photos. Had fun before the BBQ, went for a movie, You are the Apple of my Eye.

Kinda “Explicit” for NC16 IMO but it was nice. Very very nice… Got me thinking again. Hais. Went along some place and yeah it was fun yesterday =)


Don’t know why but hais i’m feeling a little … i don’t know. Hais. Lets see if the pictures below can express my mood yeah? Hais. Patience isn’t my strong forte. Damn.


On a side note :


Got this from a tumblr post. Don’t know why there’s so much kissing though. Now that i think of it, what does kissing do? :/ Seems a little ewwish – exchange of saliva. o.O



Which is why i say – Damn the hell i don’t have patience.


Okay i’m going off. Sigh.



i can’t fight anymore for you. and idk, maybe we’ll be together again, sometime, in another life.ย 






Awesome picture aye? ๐Ÿ™‚ Youtube and twitter shoe is nice. Someone should make that shoe. ๐Ÿ˜€

Anyways today was quite o-kay ahhaha. Spammed The Big Bang Theory again! ๐Ÿ˜€ So nicenicenicenice!

And played maple. I’M 71! OMGOMGOMG. *facepalm myself* WOOTS OMGOMGOMGOMG.


I still feel like a no-lifer hahaha. Not much happened today. Passed Sandra her calculator today and watched her eat dinner o.o it was true after all that the sec3 class names changed to 3 ย Fortitude or something LOL. i like 3/1 3/2 that kind more. Hahahahhaa

Epic. :X. Feels so nice to have NOTHING to do but at the same time i feel quite bored.

I feel so lonely in maple LOL. Haven’t managed to make much friends there and everytime its just training and training. Kinda boring D:

๐Ÿ˜› But oh well ><;


Anyways, more photos ~ ๐Ÿ˜€ i’ll try to find funny ones this time ^^ instead of the usual quotes XD



i’m sorry, couldn’t help it XD


That sounds similar XD


LOL O_O omg. hahhaha

This looks cool !

hahahhaha omg. that sounds like what i’ll do :X

wahhhh O.o

LOL so true ๐Ÿ˜€

So true. (sorry couldn’t help it again.)



xD im one of them hahahahaha



k i’m failing at trying to get funny pictures. Haish. bb~



:D Some funny stuff to share today! :D


Okay this isn’t funny but i like it! RAWR as in the QUOTE


If you play plant vs zombie you’ll get it.


Oh yes by now you should get my fondness for quotes. xD


*winks at kedy* LOL


took me a long while to read this CHINESE.(RAWR)

Baby Blues Cartoon for Nov/13/2011


Zits Cartoon for Nov/11/2011

Sarcasm at its max. xD




This is a little… *facepalmed*


How true O.o;




sometimes i wonder how falling in love feels like… how about being loved? sometimes when i finally get it the magnitude of it brings me to tears – and that brings me to the question. Do i deserve it? i don’t know… Sigh.ย 



Yawns. Chiong maple like mad yesterday. Went from lvl 27 to lvl 50. I feel like a no-lifer now. =.=|||

Hais. Sometimes i feel a bit sad for the guys at maple lol. The server crashed again… And everyone is pissed off. I am too. MY IMP- OMG.


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Haha. Oh wait. I can’t play now which means i can study… Then i can play later… Game addiction sucks. But yeah i wanna play! Plus i met a nice guy there. o.o gave me free stuff sia. Wonder what he’s up to. Oh well when we get there we get there. ๐Ÿ˜€ย 

So anyways left last paper. ><;

Anyways ans for Phy MCQ :





PS: I think q 23 is wrong? D: i got C.
Ooh wrong 4 qn or so. :x. Not bad for one who never got past 30marks in school examinations.
Yawns . :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D