

Damn maple lagged me to death like that lah. >.< Can’t score in pvp. Damn. Stuck at lvl 98 now. Damn. I so want to go for 4th job luh. >.< My comp hates me. lol.

So anyway, now listening to songs haha. Not much to do. Still have the BBQ to settle. πŸ˜› So looking forward to having tons of fun with my friends larh ! πŸ˜€

Bleh. I applied for retail assistant @ ntuc.. Hopefully i get it. >.<; Mom say might not get the slot. Ugh.

Sian right! Not much to do. Don’t know why lately feel very very tired. Sat in front of computer play maple also tired like mad when i get up.

I’m rottin’ !


So anyway i think i’m going to watch a movie later. Happy feet 2 :D. I never watched happy feet before though.. LOl 😑

No head no tails. XD


Hahahaha. Omg. Cute TTM lah. πŸ˜›

I’m just spamming quotes from Tumblr now hahaha :X

So anyways… Sigh… Sigh..

So true.. 😦

Anyways i’ll logoff le. Maybe i’ll try playing pvp again later. Connection seems sucky lately. *aggravated face*

LOL i googled ‘aggravated face’Β and got this face.



Perhaps the fantasy world is where i belong


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