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Sometimes i ramble on about my stuff so much i forget you have your own too. Sometimes i’m so caught up in my own self-loathing and pity that i forget people have feelings too. I keep forgetting that no matter how much you want to help, there’s always a limit and no matter how much you ramble on, there’s no one that can help you other than yourself. Sometimes i feel so tired i just want to collapse, and sometimes i refuse to share my problems with people i’m not good with, simply because i know they can’t take it. I thought perhaps there’s a saint out there with an inordinate amount of patience. I was wrong. but it is to no one’s fault but my own. I was naive.

  • everyone: it’s just a book

they’re not just books to her. do not mock her pain.

and one day when it overflows…

and sometimes the smallest things cause the biggest argument.

trust me. i know.

and i didn’t know?


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