Rambling :D!


Today was the first day of school. Back to school again.

Not that bad, seeing that i slept quite early yesterday – 9pm+

PDP’s starting again tomorrow. Lug around that guitar. ._.

Got back my biology results ._.|| or rather – some parts of it.

Wouldn’t say its horrible; wouldn’t say its good.


I’m feeling kind of down now. For some reasons.

But today in school was pretty high. Maybe that’s why.

But anyway… just feeling kind of down.

They say the grass is always greener on the other side – it applies to everything and anything eh.

I still wished i didn’t think so much though. I mean, i already have so much… Its not fair to ask for more, right?

Maybe its true, that some people walk in and stay for a while, others a little longer, and they leave. Only some people stay forever i guess. I mean. I don’t know. I think i’ve tried. But its so hard. Perhaps i’m not meant to. Perhaps karma has caught up with me.



i guess i’m still fixated on the past. the forever-gone past. The old days are not going to come back. The old memories are not going to reenact. 






It so breaks my heart to realise that there are actually people out there who face problems outside, and yet are still so optimistic, so cheerful ; but they are not appreciated. I’m one of those ungrateful people. But as much as i want to express my thoughts, i’m not one to go up to someone and give a speech. I can’t. Its not in me. But i only hope perhaps, i can do something that gives them a reason to smile. 

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