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And as they say, everyone will make you cry. You just have to find the ones worth crying for.

Me too. I wish.

If only everything was so easy.

Snarl and it snarls back.

Because i’m afraid everyone will leave.

Don’t we all?

I wish i knew. 

And you never think it would happen to you ; because its always ‘someone else’…

i wish i could. i wish i could do it as flawlessly as my siblings do. But i can’t. 

To see and know my existence.

I know… and i’m sorry… You just have to put up with me for… a while longer.

How bitter. How… similar.



I’m envious of the so many people with close siblings. I barely know mine. We live in the same house for 16 years… But actually, i only know them for 3 years…


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