
So fucking sick of trying to be the “best” in whatever i do. So fucking sick of trying to fit in pointlessly. So fucking sick of trying to dig myself out of this idiotic pit of despair. So sick of trying to hang on even though i feel like just giving up. 

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And you might not be who you are in the future.



i hate how i feel as though i have no right to feel upset, angry, frustrated, sad, moody etc etc, because out there, there are people who are worse off. i hate how i feel i should go for counselling but being afraid that my problems are just… not… i hate how i feel as though i’m on a roller-coaster ride, one moment high, another low. 



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Sometimes i feel as though it’s so unfair. They say see the good in people. But i’m blinded by the darkness. How?

Just a few more years. Just a few more years. I don’t even know why i’m waiting a few more years. But i read somewhere that they say things will get better. Well… Give it a few more years.



I hate how much i let you affect me. You say i’m not observant. How much more are you? How can you not see that what you’re doing is hurting me? Oh yes, you don’t care. You act like you’re on top of the world. But we’ll wait. We shall see who will have the last laugh.