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i can’t seem to get this concept into my thick skull -_-

waiting for that promise to come true

too afraid to take that one step off the cliff without a parachute…

shit this actually sounds scary

“Sometimes I think we all feel guilty for being happy, and as soon as we catch ourselves acting like everything is okay, someone remembers it’s not.”
Sarah Ockler, Twenty Boy Summer (via larmoyante)


“Why do you put your self esteem in the hands of complete strangers?”
Helena Bonham Carter (via rauchwolken)

do you? am i?

“Sometimes people come into your life just to teach you how to let go”
unknown  (via poppintagss)

nah. i will never spill my thoughts. even i think its rather too egoistical, or maybe i just find my other side too pathetic.

“But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most?”
Mark Twain, Autobiography of Mark Twain (via sleepweek)






hopefully this is long enough to make up for the super long time i’ve been gone and will be gone.. heh.



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The past few days, or rather past few weeks has been rather bad. My prelims were okay i guess, but GP is a worrying factor. Haha i know i shouldn’t be on my computer, but if i don’t, i might just go crazy. CRAAaaZzyyy~

Sigh. What am i to do? I honestly don’t know. Want to end things, but don’t know how. “Why?” You might ask. And i guess my only answer would be there’s no point in forcing things together. I tried, it didn’t work out. I’m tired, he’s tired, what’s the point? I don’t want a relationship based on text messages alone, nor do i think its going to work out if i refuse to put my pride down. I don’t want to take a chance on getting hurt, and then it’s probably not going to work out based on that already. So why did i want to try? Honestly i wanted to see if things would work out? I’m not too sure if i would try again after As, that is if there’s a chance. Don’t know, and honestly don’t want to know. Well at least for now.

Things has been okay/bad/just like the usual i guess. Worrying over grades, trying to keep a grasp on my emotions… And its pretty tiring. But meh. What can i do? Not much. Not a god damn thing.

I’m making good progress in learning how to talk to people i think. I mean making friends haha. I guess i’m okay at that? Honestly hope so.

Sigh. Wondering how all my friends are… It’s been a very long while since i last had a good talk with them…

On a side note, i went to sign up for this overseas CIP trip to Cambodia next year 🙂 Its on June 2014. Hope i get in with my friends. Ironically we all chose different committees to be in = =|| Sheesh.

Sigh. I guess i’m a pretty bad gf if i were to be one haha. Oh wells, fit my vision of being a spinster~ Mehs.


😀 He’s handsome okay… >.< cs insists that he looks like a kid. HE DOESN’T!! AHHHHHHH !! They’re so cute together!! :D:D:D:D!!


Okay i digress. :p BUT THEY’RE SO CUTE. ESP XUBIN~~~~~ Oops.

AWWWWW 😡 sorry.


Anyways… POKEMON X AND Y is OUT like so many days ago hahahh. So gonna buy it on 2nd Dec after my paper!! :D! WOOOHOOO~~



K shall be off now. Rantrantrantrant. Sigh. D:



it would be so easy… to just end things…