-Tumblr Quotes- (short)

“I make all these excuses

On why I’m not sleeping:

-It’s too hot.

-It’s too cold.

-I’m not comfortable.

Anything other than the truth

Other than telling people

That I have so much on my mind,

It makes me want to burst into tears.

That my thoughts are hurting me more and more mentally.

That sleep is too good for me.

I can’t tell people that.

So I have to come up with a little lie.

AAMB, “Sleepless Nights”
If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place.
Lao Tzu
Like a shadow,
I am and I am not.


People lash out when they’re hurt. But why? I suppose its one way to vent, another way to feel better. But it feels worse when people don’t lash back. I’ve learnt new things from talking to people. 1. Never fight anger with anger. and 2. Do your best, what you’re supposed to, and what comes after, is just something you’ll have to accept. I suppose this is appropriate: When people lash out at you, its not about you. Its about them. The things most people do are to get attention for themselves. In one way or another. And i suppose now i know. Doesn’t make stuff easier. But i guess a revelation is still a revelation…

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