Coward && Tumblr Quotes


I feel the same dilemma i felt a few months back. Except then i decided to just go ahead and take the plunge. Except this time, i feel fearful, and honestly, tired. I wonder if i will ever find the… scenario i play in my head over and over. I wonder if it will ever exist – for me. But i won’t know until i take the plunge (again). Except, as i mentioned, i’m tired. I feel like i’m too… naive… Or maybe i just don’t want to find out the realities of the world i want to be in. Such delusion. Not very healthy i suppose.

Almost impossible, i suppose. Or at least i was until i saw a friend again. Then everything came back, the longing, the fear, the conflict. Perhaps i’m not ready. Still struggling with so many things. How and where will i find the energy and time for another?

Don’t know what i should do. Don’t know whats going on.

大雨将至 满地潮湿 从前的电光火石
多年以后 每段故事 原来结尾都相似
别说爱谁 别说可是 回忆就浅尝辄止
得失离散 总会又周而复始

This is a pretty photo. Feel the conflict and the storm…

Do you know what the difference between destiny and future is?

Future is an arrow shot towards you that you can dodge.

But Destiny is an arrow that stabs you from behind, so you can’t escape.

(via wnq-writers)

If this even exists…. Is there something known as ‘destiny’?  I wonder. But i doubt it. 

Intimacy is not who you sleep with.
Intimacy is who you curl up and cuddle with and talk for hours about anything and everything.
Intimacy is giving that special someone all your attention, when ten other people are asking for it.
Intimacy is the one who is always in your heart and mind no matter how distracted life has you.
Intimacy is always putting Love first.
Intimacy is two imperfect people who are perfect together.
Intimacy is trusting someone to explore the depths of your soul without the fear of rejection.
Intimacy is the only love worth living.
And when you have this type of intimacy, then it is magical when they touch you.
mardybryant (via wnq-writers)

It makes me wonder if such a thing exists. Sounds very… fairytale-ish. 

So… I still haven’t made up my mind as to go with it or not. Argh. This is… frustrating.


Heh. I wonder. 

I guess for now… I should stay strong, and not be weak. Weak weak weak. Patience is something i have to learn.. But for now… i’ll hide in that small corner of mine.




Adiós. For now. I have to come to terms with myself. Hate the ‘wanting to please’ personality of mine. Hate that so much.

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