
Image result for is there good in every bad quotes

Image result for is there good in every bad quotes
does everything really happen for a reason?

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Maybe what i deem right isn’t so for others, and maybe i’ll always end up making enemies because i’m still learning how not to. But i guess along the way, i’ll learn a little more about how to interact better with people, how to learn to put things down, and also discover a little more about myself. Perhaps i won’t ever find out the real way to never offend people, because i don’t believe in putting up a fake front just to fit in. But perhaps, i’ll learn to be a little less cynical, a little more accepting, and to be able to let things go more easily.

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I’m still learning. I’m a petty person, but i’m learning how to not be. To just let things go; to not attempt to hurt people just because they hurt me. It gnaws on me though, the resentment, the unfairness. But i know i’d probably regret it if anything bad happens…

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Where is the message?

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Image result for is there good in every bad quotes

I think i will always reblog this quote haha; because it’s so true. It’s so easy to be stuck in a cycle of worries though. It feels like you’re doing something rather than nothing at all. But there’s no end to it, and no benefit or good that will come out of excessively worrying about things. Life will pass, and if i’ve learnt nothing from all these years, then i’ve at least learnt that time will heal. It will hurt, but time is a pretty miraculous worker. 

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So blunt, but so true. There are few people that i will fight for, but there are at least people that i will fight for, if you dare speak ill of them. 

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Image result for is there good in every bad quotes

Guilty as charged. 

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I do like quotes, but i also like it the most when i can best relate to it.

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Image result for is there good in every bad quotes

If i assume, you think, then who confirms?




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