

I’m running out of words to describe the negative emotions that courses through me. I’ve written, and have been writing about the same emotions time and again. But i still don’t know how to deal with them. I still repress them as much as i can, except repressing isn’t the same as processing and it doesn’t teach you how to not feel that way again. I guess sometimes its a matter of perspective. And i’m trying to dissect it.

The emotions i feel comes in the form of hurt, disappointment, fear, jealousy. Internally directed emotions that just cripples my will to live and move on with things. Stimuli comes from a whole range of things, and starts when i start to compare myself to others. To people whom are better than me but… shouldn’t be? or to put it in another way, that i should know what they know, and know what to do more than them because… i’m older? Though that sounds stupid. Probably is stupid.

Nevermind. Sometimes i just wish i don’t have to continue this anymore… Officially ran out of steam and ****s to give to other people. Why do i give a damn. Why?

Is it? Or maybe it’s all a lie.

Survive the emotional onslaught of fear and self-loathing. Redirect the fear, the hurt. It’s a vicious cycle. 

F all social constructs and norms… I need someone, something, some method to remove my thoughts and replace it with something else.

this makes no sense. and i can’t seem to make sense of things. i want to sleep and i don’t want to do work but i have to do work and i have to be in the presence of people because its the normal thing to do and i don’t want yet i want to because i don’t want to seem anti-social although i probably already seem anti-social. sigh. okay nevermind lets just do work and stop this stupid spiralling thought that might just drive me insane.


please someone. just. tell me it’s okay to make seemingly stupid decisions for seemingly stupid reasons. maybe its time i just do something for myself because anyway i am going to end up doing the same thing over and over… until i give up.

2 thoughts on “Emotions

  1. it’s okay to make seemingly stupid decisions for seemingly stupid reasons.
    But learn from it.
    Don’t try to dissect. Don’t ask yourself why.
    Don’t dissect. Just accept. It makes life a hell of a lot easier. 👍

  2. Some times, it’s ok to just do whatever the f makes you happy. It’s your life and you are directly and wholeheartedly responsible to yourself. Even if your decision seems selfish, it may just be necessary. Life is not about pleasing others. As cliche as it sounds, protect your own happiness because no one is going to do it for you. Jiayou Shihui!

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