

It’s been awhile since i blogged… So I thought i’ll come here for a little while. Thankfully life has been rather peaceful (save for that one quarrel with my mom that i shall just leave in the past).

Life feels a little routine, which i guess has its good and bad sides. Wake up, work, go home. One day closer to the weekend. Make plans for the weekend, make plans for weekday dinner, make sure to leave some time for resting. Work has been rather routine too, though sometimes i still mess up (whoops).

I guess it’s a good thing? I’m still going for the meetings where i feel utterly useless at… Where i try to utter some comments if i can. But its nice i guess, just to see their progress, though i’m not really very helpful there.

I’m a little unused to this actually. The peace and the slightly less stressful life. As if i should be doing more, learning more. I feel a little like a slacker. But i kinda like it? I don’t know.

Trying not to be depressed lately, although the routine is sinking in….

Trying… Trying… Trying… Trying.

It seems like the routine is killing my brain cells. Hm. Then again, they might just have always been dead.

I wanted to start learning a bit of web coding, but i can’t do it at work.. And when i get home i just want to sleep. :/ *Sighs*.

I guess i’m just a lazy fellow.

And so i end my utterly useless and boring post here.

Hej hej.
