Day 3 – Change


To find out where this challenge came about, see this.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be and why?

Journaling prompt from here.

Will make this short and sweet since I’m pretty tired today, and might skip the post tomorrow since i have class. Whoops. Anyway.

If i could change one thing about myself… I would trade my impatience for the ability to be patient. The ability to wait, to be understanding, to take time to think about the issue instead of jumping straight in. I would argue that my inability to wait (and irritation towards things being slow) is the main driver for things that i do eventually get done. I do wish though, that i had more patience in terms of how i can’t seem to achieve delayed gratification, or when i feel really impatient with my family members.

Another reason for the desire to be more patient is also in the hopes that it applies for me to myself. I get impatient with my own progress, my own ability to move forward, and my own issues. I get irritated, and that irritation drives away the ability to find areas to improve on, and instead only introduces anxiety and feelings of hopelessness.

So anyway, i’m cutting it off here and leaving with a quote from the same website:

Image result for Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.


Slow and steady wins the race.  As long as you’re trying, you’re making progress. That’s the spirit, right?

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