

(from Tumblr)


Ahhhh sigh. Tomorrow going to get back Economics, Biology and Chemistry. I’m going to die :(.

Math didn’t do well :/ .. 42/83. Ugh. >< sigh

Oh well. ;_;


Offffffffffffffffff i go~



be brave. be… yourself.



Cleaning my room

Proposing like a boss!!!

Time to Boogie!

Trolling spectator like a boss

I was cold...

Amazing couple is incredibly Amazing!

Really now?

Best quote folks.

LOl epic

Did you see the clown?


S**t, spilt water on the floor

Omg lame !

Two worlds collide


Has anyone seen my virginity? I think I lost it...

Best thing you can do...

Smile, Sheldon!

We all have one..

O_O how do you know if you’re the one or not? :Xย 

Stupid Questions Part 2

Watermelon Sculpting level : OVER 9000


Women's Brain


This is what I'll give my girlfriend this Valentines.




-Tumblr Quotes-


I don’t feel like updating much. Feeling bitter these few days.

I’m not safe with it.

They’re the only thing you can ever keep.

Karma’s hitting me hard now.

or her blog.

stop misinterpreting me.ย 

this always happens to me…




:D Some stuff to share. :)


Ice knight came out for maple. COOL sia. ๐Ÿ˜€ Played a little yesterday but there were tons of hackers. >.<; Ruined the fun.



And 2 New modes added – Ice knight and Capture the flag.


Kinda cool. Yesterday there was only the Ice Knight option. :P:P Mech sure don’t stand out there .

So anyways there’s more to come after the patch today!



Okay down to the funny stuff now ๐Ÿ™‚



And quotes time! ๐Ÿ˜€


This absolutely describes me . xD

How about walking with someone? ๐Ÿ™‚


Thats the devil speakin.

When will i realise that?


Good reply eh. XD

That so sounds like me.

Is that why i’m afraid?



What does it mean, when i sit and hold my phone, waiting for that one text message to come?




Awesome picture aye? ๐Ÿ™‚ Youtube and twitter shoe is nice. Someone should make that shoe. ๐Ÿ˜€

Anyways today was quite o-kay ahhaha. Spammed The Big Bang Theory again! ๐Ÿ˜€ So nicenicenicenice!

And played maple. I’M 71! OMGOMGOMG. *facepalm myself* WOOTS OMGOMGOMGOMG.


I still feel like a no-lifer hahaha. Not much happened today. Passed Sandra her calculator today and watched her eat dinner o.o it was true after all that the sec3 class names changed to 3 ย Fortitude or something LOL. i like 3/1 3/2 that kind more. Hahahahhaa

Epic. :X. Feels so nice to have NOTHING to do but at the same time i feel quite bored.

I feel so lonely in maple LOL. Haven’t managed to make much friends there and everytime its just training and training. Kinda boring D:

๐Ÿ˜› But oh well ><;


Anyways, more photos ~ ๐Ÿ˜€ i’ll try to find funny ones this time ^^ instead of the usual quotes XD



i’m sorry, couldn’t help it XD


That sounds similar XD


LOL O_O omg. hahhaha

This looks cool !

hahahhaha omg. that sounds like what i’ll do :X

wahhhh O.o

LOL so true ๐Ÿ˜€

So true. (sorry couldn’t help it again.)



xD im one of them hahahahaha



k i’m failing at trying to get funny pictures. Haish. bb~



:D Some funny stuff to share today! :D


Okay this isn’t funny but i like it! RAWR as in the QUOTE


If you play plant vs zombie you’ll get it.


Oh yes by now you should get my fondness for quotes. xD


*winks at kedy* LOL


took me a long while to read this CHINESE.(RAWR)

Baby Blues Cartoon for Nov/13/2011


Zits Cartoon for Nov/11/2011

Sarcasm at its max. xD




This is a little… *facepalmed*


How true O.o;




sometimes i wonder how falling in love feels like… how about being loved? sometimes when i finally get it the magnitude of it brings me to tears – and that brings me to the question. Do i deserve it? i don’t know… Sigh.ย 




How true



i have yet to.

And me, i do both ๐Ÿ˜€

Each to their own.

And i realised that i’m never going to be good enough. :/



I know. I’m trying!

Haha. Pride dictates me to.

