Self Introduction

Hello. I’m someone who likes to rant, likes to write (or rather type). I’m someone who drowns in emotions of the present, and can drown forever if i allowed myself to. But only behind closed doors, away from the eyes of people.

I’m someone who loves Science, especially anything related to human diseases. It amazes me how frail we really are, and also how strong we are, under different circumstances. There are 10001 things out there that can kill us, but most of us have lived days, weeks, months and years of healthy life. As with most of us, and with most things, we only truly appreciate what we have when it’s lost. I like to game – don’t starve together, path of exile, warcraft III, l4d2. I also like to watch shows – the big bang theory, 明星大侦探,歌手,我是大侦探,天籁之战, Young Sheldon, Fresh off the Boat etc.

I like to think of myself as someone who wants to try everything, and on some level, i still do. But less and less so, because i’ve grown more and more afraid. But this place, this blog, is just a place for me to express the emotions i don’t know where to put. To concretely lay down my thought process and the thinking behind the things i feel or do (as much as i am able to do so).

It’s not the most eloquent, or the most well written, but it is what i have. And as per the disclaimer, if you don’t like it, just leave. I don’t see the point in forcing people to think the way i do, or rather, not at least when we’re talking about likes and dislikes, opinions, things that are abstract. On facts however… It’s a fair game.

Anyways, I will leave this page for now. I want to say please come and talk to me but i’m not very good at conversations. So. Yeah. Bye.

05 May 2018

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